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Pictures from Sunland Park Rally for Peace and Justice 2005-10-08
Pictures from Washington Anti-War March 2005-09-24

On 2006-03-26, a coalition organized a rally in Columbus for immigrants rights. The coalition included MIGUATE (of Dover, Ohio), the Immigrant Worker Project (www.iwpohio.org), the Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC) , UFCW Local 880, and the Red [network] de Inmigrantes de Ohio. We want to raise awareness about how the pending law, HR 4437, would make it a crime to be an undocumented immigrant, or to help undocumented immigrants. We also called for true immigration reform that would provide a path to citizenship for all immigrant workers. Official estimates put the crowd size at 7,000.

Three buses came from St. Joseph's Catholic Church.

CODEDI members came by bus from Cincinnati.

Miguel Gonzalez discussed peacekeeping, finances and issues with the bus passengers.

A call for liberty and also for hope.

"We are workers," "No to the wall" and "We are human beings"

We heard from a variety of speakers:

Mayor Michael B. Coleman of Columbus spoke.

Can you guess which one spoke about how Irish Americans support the rights of all immigrants?

Despite what one press report said, Mexican flags were waved by less than a majority of the attenders. Here is one man proud of his Honduran flag.




Here is someone who puts it together.


I liked this musical group, but I could not find the CD.

For the IWP web page, click on its photo.

To see more of Hector's art, click on either of these photos:

Here are some links to more information about these groups and issues. If you know more, drop me an email.

Immigrant Worker Project
Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC)
UFCW Local 880

If you have a comment, or you can add names or descriptions to the photo captions here, then Email me at: rrenner@igc.org

Last Updated: 2006-03-27
Copyright © 2006 Richard Renner

All rights reserved. Permission granted to participants in the 2006-03-26 rally to use these photos.