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Peace March on Washington 2007-01-27

Here is where we met in Streetsboro for the bus:

A couple pretty faces.
Greg Coleridge and Mario, both of AFSC.

Any contingent starts with one.

Randy and I got to talking, and I missed Dennis Kucinich's speech from the stage.

The man on the right confirmed that the names in small print on his signs are the names of friends he wants to bring home now.

Let peace begin with me.

People kept coming.

Here are some great messages:


He heard the speeches before:

Bedouin performed:

Wesleyans enhanced their message with music.

Not all signs were effective, however.

I can guess where they got the message:

The count was low because the counters missed the food court:

Catch the next Peace Rallies at
United for Peace & JusticeInternational A.N.S.W.E.R.

Wooster Friends MeetingTate & Renner home page

Want more photos of peace marches? Check these out:
The 2003-01-18 peace rally in Washington
my speech to the 2003-02-15 rally in Coshocton, Ohio
The 2005-09-24 peace rally in Washington

Here are more links:

Bread and Puppet Theater
Progressive Democrats of America
Remembering Rachel Corrie
Fellowship of Reconciliation, where Fellowship magazine is $25 per year.
NETWORK, A Catholic Social Justice Lobby
American Friends Service Committee
Akron office:
Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors
The GI Rights Hotline, 1-800-394-9544, provides information to members of the military about discharges, grievance and complaint procedures, and other civil rights.
Christian Peacemaker Teams
The Bruderhof Peacemakers Guide
Summary of Gene Sharp’s books on nonviolence
Wisconsin Network for Peace and Justice has a thoughtful introduction to working for peace.
Click here to get a weekly email with action ideas from the Friends Committee on National Legislation.
Draft Resistance shares information useful to stop the draft.
MICAH, Movies to Inspire Consciousness, Action and Hope

Email me at:

Last Updated: 2007-01-28
Copyright © 2007 Richard Renner
All rights reserved. Permission granted to non-profit peace groups to use these photos.