Occupy DC
Occupy EPA
Activists from Occupy Washington DC on Freedom Plaza marched to the headquarters of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) yesterday. Billed as "Occupy EPA," the event called on the EPA to do its job to protect Americans from toxic pollution.
The march had a decidedly pro-whistleblower theme as we marched from Freedom Plaza to EPA headquarters. Led by Dr. Margaret Flowers, marchers chanted, "Hey hey, NO FEAR, blow the whistle at EPA." With EPA whistleblower Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, we blew whistles and passed out cards to passersby. The cards asked, "Do you know something that could save a life or help the planet? Do you want to report it?" The cards then provided links to whistleblower web sites, including that of the National Whistleblowers Center. The marchers rallied on Federal Triangle, in front of the office of EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson. There, Dr. Coleman-Adebayo led us in reading the text of the NO FEAR Act.
Supporters plan to march to the EPA and rally on Wednesdays. Meet at 12 noon at Freedom Plaza, 13th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC. For more photos, follow the link to this blog post.
Dr. Margaret Flowers calls us together at Freedom Plaza:
Follow this link to Occupy DC's web page.
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