NLG Delegation to Cuba
Second Day
Jump to photos of:
- First day, Saturday, 2017-03-04
- Third day, Monday, 2017-03-06
- Fourth day, Tuesday, 2017-03-07
- Fifth day, Wednesday, 2017-03-08
- Sixth day, Thursday, 2017-03-09
- 1981 NLG-NYU Delegation to Cuba
Photo by Laura
Photo by Laura
Lettuce and spearmint
A banana flower
The "silver fern" leaves a silver mark.
This photo shows three types of natural pest control: (1) color trick; (2) maize, and (3) marigolds.
Photo by Laura
Photo by Laura
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Or, jump to photos of:
- First day, Saturday, 2017-03-04
- Third day, Monday, 2017-03-06
- Fourth day, Tuesday, 2017-03-07
- Fifth day, Wednesday, 2017-03-08
- Sixth day, Thursday, 2017-03-09
- 1981 NLG-NYU Delegation to Cuba
- The NLG delegation to Chiapas, Mexico, 2005
- Sunland Park, New Mexico, rally for peace and immigrant rights.
- Guatemala trip with Silver, Elder and Elton, 2014-07-01
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