NLG Delegation to Cuba
Fifth Day
International Womens Day
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Jump to photos of:
- First day, Saturday, 2017-03-04
- Second day, Sunday, 2017-03-05
- Third day, Monday, 2017-03-06
- Fourth day, Tuesday, 2017-03-07
- Sixth day, Thursday, 2017-03-09
- Seventh day, Friday, 2017-03-10
- 1981 NLG-NYU Delegation to Cuba
A visit to Projeto Todos Las Manos in Havana
Singers from La Otra Mitad sang for us and got us dancing.
They gave permission for me to share their music with you.
Glosa, (c) 2013 LaOtraMitad. Used with permission.
Maria (pictured) made this mural that now hangs in my office.
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Or, jump to photos of:
- First day, Saturday, 2017-03-04
- Second day, Sunday, 2017-03-05
- Third day, Monday, 2017-03-06
- Fourth day, Tuesday, 2017-03-07
- Sixth day, Thursday, 2017-03-09
- 1981 NLG-NYU Delegation to Cuba
- The NLG delegation to Chiapas, Mexico, 2005
- Sunland Park, New Mexico, rally for peace and immigrant rights.
- Guatemala trip with Silver, Elder and Elton, 2014-07-01
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