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Let us share some of the art we treasure
Art inspires us to express our values, hone our talents, and appreciate the work of artists. It reveals who we are, where we came from, and what we dream for the future. Here is a selection of some of the art available for viewing at Tate & Renner:This is a traditional mat weaving from Majuro, an island in Micronesia. My partner Al Tate worked in a legal services office there for two years before founding Tate & Renner. Mats like this might be used for sleeping on the beach. This one was made for Al Tate's law office, and was his staff's gift to him when he left for Ohio.
This loom art is a gift to us from Marga Crank. Marga worked for us briefly, and is now in nursing school. Her culture enriches ours.
My first visit to the local Pillars Club was when Al Tate keynoted. It was an honor when I received the invitation in 1998.
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Jane Sobart is a artist with a studio in the Whitechapel Bell Foundry in London, England. Her nephew is my "little brother" in the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program. Jane presented this limited edition (5 of 30) etching to us on 2001-08-30. It depicts Danny who is the chief moulder. He is "tapping in" the metal letters on the outer mould. Whitechapel made the Liberty Bell and the bells at Riverside Church in New York. | ![]() |
My wife, Laura, made this painting for my office.
Below is an Aztec calendar. It is a gift of Idy and Guillermo Medina of Ciudad Juárez, México. They graciously and lovingly cared for our daughter as an exchange student in 2005.
This painting was hanging in La Pera, a restaurant in San Cristóbal, Chiapas, México, when I first saw it on 2005-03-15. It was made by Laila, one of the leaders of our Lawyers Guild delegation. She had never sold a painting before, but she sold this one. I am proud to have it hang at Tate & Renner now. You can see my other pictures of La Pera, and Chiapas by clicking here. |
My client, John Jasinski, gave me this original Paul Blasko photograph entitled "Weathered Barn" (below, on right). The barn is from upstate New York. Below (on left) is a key ring that John gave me. It remembers the 30th anniversary of Three Mile Island Unit 1.
On 1998-10-20, I attended a trial advocacy seminar with Gerry Spence. Here is our picture:
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This is another craft from Majuro, Micronesia. Some may wonder why a vegetarian would display art made from animals. I say it is from Al.
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Photos from Hispanic Ministries of Tuscarawas County.
A gift from Kristi and Tarin Hale:
My mother won the 1996 Social Worker of the Year award in Cleveland.

This Ohio seal came with Al Tate.
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This is the Peters Projection of the world. Why do we use it? Click here.
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Kaitlin made this for her mom.
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Kyle's self-portrait is his stand-out work.
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One of my first clients was Yeshua Mosher, an author on non-violence. This Egyptian painting on handmade paper is a gift from him.

This consoles me in domestic cases.
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I fondly remember studying Spanish in Xela, Guatemala.![]() |
My mother gave this to me upon her return from volunteering for Rainbow Sparrow Village, an AIDS hospice in South Africa. |
Here is the naturalization certificate for my Great Grandfather, Theordore Arfsten, and the wedding certificate of my Great Grandparents Arfsten. They were immigrants from the Island of Föhr (pronounced "fair"). I am proud to have this momento of my family's immigrant heritage, especially when I counsel immigrant clients in my office. The 1905 marriage certificate is from Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn, New York, and is written in German.
My wife, Laura, painted this and other items upstairs.![]() |
This is a prize winning photo by my father, Dr. Daniel Renner. It is called "Racoon Tracks in Mud" and was taken on the edge of the Cuyahoga River, south of Tate Mill.
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Not all of our art is made by humans.