Kayaking the Middle Youghiogheny, 2007-07-13
Nancy Grim and Rick Feinberg generously invited Laura Yeomans and Richard Renner on a kayak trip through the Middle Youghiogheny River. To read the full account of this trip, click here. Below are some of the photos Richard risked his life for. If you would like high density versions of any photo, send me an email (right-click on a photo and "save" it to get its filename).The Middle Youghiogheny
Nancy and Rick put in at Confluence, Pa.
Laura uses a sit-on-top kayak.
Nancy waits while Rick chats with Laura.
Rick and Nancy
Nancy and Rick demonstrate the 'avoid the rocks' technique.
Rick, Nancy & Richard
Richard recovers on a rock.
Group shot: Richard, Laura, Nancy & Rick