Laura and I are in Guatemala from 2006-11-09 to 2006-11-18. Perhaps the most important part of our trip is visiting the families of Guatemalans who now live in our part of Ohio. We brought pictures, letters and gifts on behalf of their "paisanos" in Ohio. We met their parents, grandparents, wives, and children. We took pictures to take back to their paisanos. We got to see their homes and families so we could better understand our friends. Here are groups that greeted us at the airport. It includes Eduard's wife, Margarita, Miguel and Juana's children Doble and Aura, and Tomas, Eliseo and Ignacio (our driver).
The background for this page shows the plumes of Padre Rudy's peacocks (which translate into Spanish as "pavo reales" or "royal turkeys"), and also his photograph of his mother.
Margarita receives gifts from her husband. Margarita is holding Maria Hermalinda. Also here: Hector, Marali and Manuel.
Doble & Aura receive gifts from Miguel Carrillo and Juana.
November 10th. We are very happy to have arrived to visit Padre Rudy in San Andres and Canillá. We received a wonderful welcome yesterday from the families of Eduard and Miguel Carrillo at the airport. Also Tomas and Eliseo from the committee in Canillá gave us a warm welcome. Tomas and Eliseo brought us to Canillá and finally with Father Rudy. Today we met with the committee at the Parish of the Immaculate Conception and saw the construction in Canillá. We were very impressed with the hard work of everyone.
Padre Rudy with his Cocker Spaniel, Jab' (K'iche' word for rain).
This street in San Andres Sajcabajá has an Internet store, but it was closed.
Here is our visit to the dormitorio on the second floor.
Leonza Hermosalinda Agilar Franco receives a package from Eustáquio. Here she is with Laura, Alex and Griselda.
Tomás is missing Petroníl.
Other photos of this trip are available on the following pages: first, second (next page), third, fourth, fifth, sixth.
Click here
for 2004 photos of Canilla
Click here for photos of the Pop Wuj
Estufa Project
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Dated 2006-11-18
Copyright © 2006 Richard Renner
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