Silver & Elder en Guatemala
2012-04-09, Dia 5
- Preparing to leave.
- Day 1, 5th of April, 2012, flying to Guatemala and arriving in Paxixil
- Day 2, 6th of April, 2012, family visits and Good Friday processions
- Day 3, 7th of April, 2012, Xela Zoo and monuments
- Day 4, 8th of April, 2012, Easter Mass and the market in Totonicapan
- Day 5, 9th of April, 2012, more family visits and saying goodbye (this page)
- Day 6, 10th of April, 2012, returning home (next page)
Mari prepara nixtimal en la pila.
Mari prepares nixtimal in the pila.
Perritos en la casa de Bis Abuela.
Puppies at Great Grandma's house.
Miguel y Michelle en su casa del futuro.
Miguel and Michelle in their future home.
Miguel, Rosalia y Michelle.
Estefani, Salvador y Pablo
Abuelita y Silver ordenan frijoles.
Grandma and Silver sort beans.
Alcaldes de San Francisco El Alto.
Municipal council members of San Francisco El Alto.
Bis Tia Santa
Cristobal, Andrea y Catarina
- Preparing to leave.
- Day 1, 5th of April, 2012, flying to Guatemala and arriving in Paxixil
- Day 2, 6th of April, 2012, family visits and Good Friday processions
- Day 3, 7th of April, 2012, Xela Zoo and monuments
- Day 4, 8th of April, 2012, Easter Mass and the market in Totonicapan
- Day 5, 9th of April, 2012, more family visits and saying goodbye (this page)
- Day 6, 10th of April, 2012, returning home (next page)
You can also see these photos:
- Silver & Elder's Photo Album for their family in Guatemala, 2012-04-05
- Immigrant Worker Project and MIGUATE retreat to Camp Luz in Orrville, Ohio, 2011-08-06
- March against deportations. 2011-07-26 at the White House.
- March for America for Immigration Reform, 2010-03-21
- Guatemala trip by Laura and Richard in 2006
- Laura & Richard's 2004 trip to Guatemala
- El viaje de Laura & Richard's a Guatemala en 2004
- Laura's 2003 trip to Chex, Guatemala
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