Silver & Elder en Guatemala
Day 3, 7th of April, 2012, Xela Zoo and monuments
- Preparing to leave.
- Day 1, 5th of April, 2012, flying to Guatemala and arriving in Paxixil
- Day 2, 6th of April, 2012, family visits and Good Friday processions
- Day 3, 7th of April, 2012, Xela Zoo and monuments (this page)
- Day 4, 8th of April, 2012, Easter Mass and the market in Totonicapan (next page)
- Day 5, 9th of April, 2012, more family visits and saying goodbye
- Day 6, 10th of April, 2012, returning home
Abuelita y Abuelito.
Casa de Bis Abuela que murió el año pasado
The house of Great Grandma who died last year.
Bis Abuela, foto de 2004
Zoologico en Xela
Animals deserve the same respect as you. Care of the environment is a responsibility.
Xela, como se ve desde un paso elevado por el zoológico.
Xela, as seen from an overpass by the zoo.
Tecúm Umán fue un héroe maya de la resistencia a la conquísta española.
Tecum Uman was a Mayan hero of the resistance to Spanish conquest.
En el 2010, el municipio de Salcajá, Quetzaltenango, erigió este monumento de Eduardo Sac para honrar a sus emigrantes. Es un honor apropiado, como las remesas de los emigrantes es ahora la mayor fuente de Guatemala de capital extranjero. También es apropiado que nos visitaron el monumento.
The municipality of Salcajá, Quetzaltenango, erected this monument by Eduardo Sac to honor its emigrants in 2010. It is a fitting honor as remittances from emigres is now Guatemala's largest source of foreign capital. It is also fitting that we visited the monument.
Follow this link for the text of this poem in English and Spanish.
Siga este enlace para el texto de este poema en Inglés y Español.
Alimentar a los perros de Bis Abuela.
Feeding Great Grandma's dogs.
Here are other pages in this series:
- Preparing to leave.
- Day 1, 5th of April, 2012, flying to Guatemala and arriving in Paxixil
- Day 2, 6th of April, 2012, family visits and Good Friday processions
- Day 3, 7th of April, 2012, Xela Zoo and monuments (this page)
- Day 4, 8th of April, 2012, Easter Mass and the market in Totonicapan (next page)
- Day 5, 9th of April, 2012, more family visits and saying goodbye
- Day 6, 10th of April, 2012, returning home
You can also see these photos:
- Silver & Elder's Photo Album for their family in Guatemala, 2012-04-05
- Immigrant Worker Project and MIGUATE retreat to Camp Luz in Orrville, Ohio, 2011-08-06
- March against deportations. 2011-07-26 at the White House.
- March for America for Immigration Reform, 2010-03-21
- Guatemala trip by Laura and Richard in 2006
- Laura & Richard's 2004 trip to Guatemala
- El viaje de Laura & Richard's a Guatemala en 2004
- Laura's 2003 trip to Chex, Guatemala
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